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Mom Hack: Help Your Baby Spring Forward

Healthy Horizons

This past weekend we move our clocks an hour ahead for Daylight Savings Time. Fortunately moving our clocks ahead one hour isn't as disruptive for babies as turning them back in the fall, but some babies still have trouble adjusting to the time change. Here are some tips to help your little one spring forward into Daylight Savings Time!

If you think your baby will need help adjusting, plan to use a week before or after the time change to slowly adjust your baby's schedule. Over the course of the week shift your baby's schedule 15 minutes earlier every couple of days. For example, if your baby naps at 3pm, start the nap at 2:45pm. By the end of the week your baby's schedule will be closer to Daylight Savings Time.

  • Make sure that your child is well-rested. Children who have enough sleep and rest have an easier time adapting to the time change.

  • Sleep is regulated by our circadian rhythm (our body clock) which is regulated by darkness and sunlight. Use natural daylight to help adjust your baby's clock by opening curtains and letting the light in, especially in the morning.

  • As the days get longer, you may also find that blackout shades in your child's room help get them to sleep at night.

  • Watch for tiredness and sleepy cues from your baby and check the clock when deciding if it's time for baby's nap.

The good news for parents is that most babies are back to their normal schedule within a week!

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